Sunday 20 November 2016

Four Tips To Choose The Best Car Insurance Plan

Car insurance is essential and you have to renew it before it loses it expires. Since there are scores of insurers available such as Oriental Insurance you need to compare car Insurance and pick your car insurance plan judiciously. Most car insurance plans come with similar set of benefits so you don't compare car Insurance you cannot choose the best policy as per your budget and requirement. You might get confused by a plethora of providers such as Oriental Insurance and could not find the right insurer for your vehicle if you don't compare car insurance companies performance over the years . So, here are four insider tips to settle with the best insurer like Oriental Insurance and stay protected through the most beneficial policy available at an affordable price.

Track Record of the Provider

Car insurance companies like Oriental Insurance are not equal when it comes to settling claims of the customers. You should compare car insurance companies in terms of claim settlement ratio of all car insurance providers in India including Oriental Insurance. Aside from the ratio you should also compare car insurance companies on the basis of the time they take to settle claims. Your chosen provider of car insurance must have high claim settlement ratio and it must settle the claim quickly.

Customer Service of the Provider

With the advent of internet you can not only compare car insurance online but can also go through the online reviews of other customers about the customer service of various providers like Oriental Insurance. You need to compare car insurance companies and choose the one that responds to customers' queries promptly and efficiently. Providers like Oriental Insurance boast bespoke calling executives and surveyors that can inspect the damaged vehicle. The after-sell service of the car insurance company is of utmost importance and you should compare car insurance companies in that regard as well.

Coverage of the Policy

One of the most important aspect of the car insurance plan is the coverage it provides. Insurers like Oriental Insurance endow car-owners with comprehensive coverage which includes both damage to the insured vehicle liabilities towards third party and you should also go for that kind of coverage to ensure all-encompassing coverage. Although, comprehensive coverage is optional and you can save on premium by choosing a plan with third-party liability coverage. But, it is wise to spend a bit more to rest assured of being covered from all sorts of untoward events.

Cost of the Policy and Available Benefits

Although, most people consider only premium while choosing car insurance plans, but it is not the right way of selecting the best car insurance plan. You should compare car insurance quotes online but you need to pay heed to other features and discounts available with the policy. Providers like Oriental Insurance come with various discounts such as NCB that you can use to reduce the premium. Cheaper car insurance plans don't always come with all the important features and expensive plans also come with a host of unnecessary features that you hardly need. Hence, car insurance quotes online is not the sole criterion when you compare car insurance for your vehicle.
Hopefully, these tips will help you select the best insurer like Oriental Insurance and secure the best car insurance plan for your vehicle.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Benefits of opting for Multi-Car Insurance

Car insurance is a must for all vehicles plying on Indian roads. There are many insurers in India like National Insurance Company Limited that offer affordable policies for car insurance in India. Car-owners can compare car insurance online and buy car insurance online as well. The process is straight-forward for those who own one vehicle. But, how owners of multiple cars should go about online car insurance? Is multiple car insurance really beneficial?

Many insurance companies including National Insurance Company offer insurance for multiple vehicles. This type of car insurance is designed for those families and organizations that possess more than one vehicle. One of the benefits of opting for multiple car insurance is the availability of hefty discount. For example, if you have multiple vehicles and begin with insuring one of them you will get the regular discount for the insured car. And, when you bring another car in the coverage the discount will be applied on both of the cars. Similarly, when you have all the cars insured the discount will be applied on all the vehicles. The amount of discount, however, varies which means the discount offered by National Insurance is not the same with the discount offered by any other insurer.

You can reap the best advantage of opting for multiple car insurance by providers like National Insurance at the time of car insurance policy renewal in India. You need not to renew insurance of all your car individually as this type of car insurance policy renewal encompasses all vehicles at once. This will save your lot of time and effort that you would otherwise put in for car insurance for individual vehicles.

Multiple car-owners should also be aware of the ways in which this kind of car insurance works. Almost all insurance providers such as National Insurance are entitled to provide insurance for multiple cars. Even if the vehicles are not registered under the same owner and even if they are bought at different times still they are eligible for multiple car insurance if all the vehicles in question are registered in same address. Same residential address is the sole criterion set by insurers like National Insurance for insuring multiple cars.

Another benefit of opting for multiple car insurance is you don't have to keep track of premium of different policies for different cars. Because all vehicles are insured under a single car insurance plan and one has to maintain just one policy document. Car-insurers like National Insurance thus make the job of the car-owners easy. 

The biggest benefit of choosing a multiple car insurance from any insurer like National Insurance is the continuation of coverage of two vehicles plying in two different cities. Often it happens that a member of the family with multiple cars uses one of the cars in a different city in India. In that case, no separate car insurance plan is required as most car-insurers like National Insurance offer coverage for all cars belong to same residence or organization despite of the geographical distance. Multiple car insurance plans provided by insurers such as National Insurance cover two to five vehicles.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Consequences Of Not Having Car Insurance From A Reputed Company Like United India Insurance

If you are planning to get yourself a brand new car, it is very important to understand the value of a Car Insurance plan (with a reputed company like United India Insurance), especially, when Car Insurance is a mandatory requirement for driving in Indian roads. Yes, Car Insurance in India from a valid Car Insurance company like United India Insurance is mandatory for every car owner, although a number of them don’t give Car Insurance much attention. However, if you are a part of the responsible car owners’ league, make it a point to get your car insured with one of the most reputed car insurance companies like United India Insurance, or else get ready to face the unwanted consequences.

What Are The Consequences Of Not Having A Valid Car Insurance From An Insurer Like United India Insurance?

Driving a car in India without having proper Car Insurance documents from a noted insurance provider like United India Insurance can land you in the following troubles –
  • Driving a car that does not have any Car Insurance protection under a leading insurance brand, for example – United India Insurance might result in suspension of your driver’s license, if caught.
  • In addition to that, the registration of your car might get suspended too if you are caught without proper Car Insurance from a valid insurance provider like United India Insurance.
  • Now the penalties, if you are found driving without a proper Car Insurance under a noted brand like United India Motor Insurance, you would get penalized in either or both ways – monetary penalties and imprisonment.
So, when a piece of paper ‘your Car Insurance from a reliable insurance company like United India Insurance’ can save you from so many unfortunate and unwanted situations, then why not have one? In India, you will find numerous reliable car insurance companies like that of United India Insurance. So, you can easily check with them to get car insurance quotes and choose a Car Insurance accordingly. With most of the reliable insurance providers like United India Motor Insurance, car insurance quotes are available for free.

A Cost-Effective Platform – Get Car Insurance Policies Online

In order to increase the ease of purchasing Car Insurance policies, companies like United India have incorporated online options. With the help of this online platform, you can not only buy car insurance policies online, but also review and renew the same in fraction of seconds. Also, you don’t have to rely on a Car Insurance agent to get your insurance plan renewed.

Car Insurance Renewal Should Be Taken Care Of

Remember, whichever Car Insurance plan you go for, be it liability only or a comprehensive cover, you need to make sure of time to time Car Insurance renewal. Although with some of the customer-oriented insurers like United India Insurance, you are more likely to get a grace period after your Car Insurance policy renewal date, it is better to make it within the due date. It saves you from troublesome consequences of not having Car Insurance coverage. In fact, if you are caught with a lapsed motor insurance, be it with one of the most reputable companies, say – United India Insurance, the results are more likely to be dearer to your mental peace and of course, your wallet.

Monday 29 August 2016

Online Car Insurance – The Buying Benefits with Reputable Companies like New India Insurance

Are you afraid of purchasing Online Car Insurance? Do you think you might fall prey to online fraud? Dear reader, owing to the rise in the numbers of cyber crimes, such perceptions are quite obvious. However, just like bad entities, good ones are also there. All you need to be careful to find them. As far as buying Online Car Insurance from a reputed service provider like New India Insurance is concerned, you are absolutely in safe hands, provided you keep your eyes open. In fact, when you buy car insurance policy online, for example from a reliable company like New India Insurance, you get to save a lot of time and considerable amount of money, as well.

Customer-oriented insurance providers know the power as well as potential of the online platform and therefore, they showcase an entire range of products they have, right from life insurance to car insurance on the internet. The best part – you can compare car insurance online policies at the convenience of your home without having the need to visit insurance companies physically. Don’t you think it’s an added advantage of Online Car Insurance from a good company like New India Insurance Company? Let’s explore more –


Online Car Insurance – Buying Benefits


Being an efficient distribution channel, the online platform is also very cost-effective. That’s because, when you buy car insurance policy online, you either purchase directly from the website of the insurance company you choose or via an online insurance broker. In both the cases, you get to save on commissions that you have to otherwise. Moreover, the process of Online Car Insurance purchase is paperless and everything is done virtually, thus saving the costs involved further. However, the policies are real.

One of the biggest advantages of Online Car Insurance purchase from a reliable insurer like New India Insurance is – you get the privilege to make an informed decision, as you can compare car insurance online. Apart from the company websites, you also have some good options to consider in the form of insurance brokers. Such service providers help you get free online car insurance quotes. And needless to mention, but an overall comparison of various aspects of Online Car Insurance, right from features to pricings make policy selection easy. Online car insurance quotes from companies like New India Insurance are all transparent with no hidden pricings. This saves a great deal of your effort as well as money. 

Also, when you purchase car insurance online, either from the company website of your favorite insurance company like New India Insurance or from an aggregator’s site, you can read the reviews posted by their existing customers. Such posts help you weigh the good and bad aspects of an Online Car Insurance policy.
So, these are some of the best benefits of buying best online car insurance from a good company like New India Assurance. Dear reader, the web of risks is spread widely. Therefore, being a responsible human being, you should be aware of them and take necessary precautions. And as far as owning a car is concerned, it is your sole responsibility to drive it carefully and have all the relevant documents with you while driving. To remind you – a car insurance policy from a valid insurer like New India Insurance is also mandatory in India.

Monday 8 August 2016

Compare Car Insurance Before Purchase, As The Cheapest Option Might Not Be The Right One All The Time - Say Big Brands Like Oriental Insurance

As far as buying the best car insurance online India is concerned, most people generally look for the cheapest options available. This buying pattern is not specific to any one or group of men or women; rather it is a common human tendency. If you are also seeking the same, wait! There are a number of reasons behind not buying the cheapest option available. Even leading insurance brands like Oriental Insurance have similar notions and that’s why the always ask to Compare Car Insurance beforehand.

The Cheapest Option Might Ruin Your Financial Plans, So Compare Car Insurance


People when purchasing an offline or online car insurance or any other commodity, look out for different ways for saving their wallets. And needless to mention, but looking for commodities with tags reading the cheapest prices is one of the best ways to do the same. However, industry experts such as the Oriental Insurance Company Limited and others feel that this move might be the correct and wise one all the time, especially when the product is an offline or online insurance for car.
A little example for you – you might purchase the cheapest online car insurance from a whole lot of options easily. Although this decision of yours might save your pocket for the time beings, it might land you in financial rough waters in the future. Go through this article to figure out the reasons why the cheapest is not all the best car insurance online India.


Compare Car Insurance - It’s Crucial


  • Analysis of Cost & Benefit


Although expensive options are not always an indicator of high quality, generally, the contrary is true. Cheap offline or online insurance for car are more likely to fetch you fewer benefits. Especially when it comes to car insurance online policies or the offline counterparts from leading brands like the Oriental Insurance Company Limited, the saying –‘what you pay you get’ is an apt one. Therefore, it is important to Compare Car Insurance before investing.

With most of the car insurance online policies, car insurance online policies, even from big brands like Oriental Insurance, a cheaper option might mean lower extent of coverage. Therefore, you should find out such options that on one hand won’t burn holes in your pocket and won’t compromise on benefits and coverage on the other. All you have to do is Compare Car Insurance with companies like Oriental Insurance.
  • Watch Out For Deductibles


It is possible up to a certain extent, that when you purchase car insurance online or offline that asks for lower premiums; its deductibles are on the higher side. And it’s the reason for the lower premium amount. Moreover, higher deductibles mean more Out-of-Pocket payment in the first place. Therefore, customer-oriented companies like Oriental Insurance always ask to Compare Car Insurance before buying. You can either compare car insurance online or by visiting the branch offices of the insurance providers operating in your region like Oriental Insurance.
  • Scope Of Coverage


When you purchase car insurance online with the cheapest price tag, it might be providing you with the basic insurance cover only. In most of the cases, cheaper policies only cover the compulsory requirements, like third party liability. Therefore, it’s better to get some car insurance quotes online and look out for comprehensive options, even if they cost more and then compare car insurance online to buy the best option. Free car insurance quotes online are easily available. All you have to do is Compare Car Insurance policies available with leading brands like Oriental Insurance and go for an adequate option.

Monday 25 July 2016

ICICI Lombard Insurance Incorporates The Features Of Online Car Insurance Renewal

The insurance sector is upgrading with the passing of time. A company like ICICI Lombard Insurance always offers you the most up to date and salient feature of recent time’s insurance policies. Car insurance holders always vexed at the tiresome process of car insurance renewal. Lots companies promised you to renew car insurance process for you at the time of your money investing in their car insurance plans, but at the time of imminent need, they will completely vanish. For this purpose, you have to ensure about the prior offerings of the car insurance companies and also make it clear that at the time of near future they will provide the car insurance renewal or not. Yes, you can claim it. With the companies like ICICI Lombard Insurance you just don’t need to worry more. Renewal of car insurance is one the best part of their offered service which they are providing to their clients.

ICICI Lombard is One of the Top Most Insurance Provider Platforms in Our Country

Since a long period of time, they have been providing the best insurance policies related to health, travel, car insurance etc. The best part of buying an online car insurance from the company like ICICI Lombard Insurance, lies in their facility of car insurance renewal. ICICI Lombard general insurance will provide the complete and best assistance in the process of renewing car insurance instantly. Regular car insurance renewal with smoothly done procedure not only safeguards the chances of mishaps but it also extends the life of your beloved vehicle. 

ICICI Lombard Insurance is the best platform to get the best car insurance renewal quotes online. It also broadens up the opportunity to get the extra coverage plans with more discounts. Car insurance policy renewal also provides you the opportune to compare recent offerings in the policy industry on vehicles. Car insurance renewal quotes online will help you to choose the best to switch on. With the extreme beneficial company like ICICI Lombard Insurance, they will also provide you the opportunity to compare car insurance renewal quotes online. There is no need of searching loads of papers to switch over to the car insurance renewal, ICICI Lombard general insurance will help it out instantly. With their online procedure, you will avail to it without any kind of hazards. 

Car insurance renewal online from ICICI Lombard insurance will provide you the best plans and offerings with a single touch on their computer screen. So you can ask for the instant renewal process for your vehicle. It can be done instantly from any place. Car insurance policy renewal also deals with the deadline of the renewal term. So it is very much important to do the renewal process in the prior time period. Otherwise, you have to pay the delay charge. But with the ensured offerings from ICICI Lombard Insurance, you will get the update about the last date of the renewal process. Their expert online methodology will guide you when to do the car insurance renewal. ICICI Lombard insurance will also provide you the info about the grace time for the car insurance renewal. So don’t hesitate to invest in the best car insurance renewal from ICICI Lombard Insurance, they will take all the responsibility for the complete care as well the renewal process of your loved vehicle.

Friday 1 July 2016

About Zero Depreciation Car Insurance Online With The Trust Of A Company Like New India Insurance

As far as getting your car insured with a reliable insurance company like, New India Insurance, is concerned, there are a number of relevant aspects related. In this article you would come to know about Car Insurance Online or regular policies that offer ‘Zero Depreciation’ coverage. So, what this term means? Well, it can be defined as an add-on Car Insurance cover that can be availed by a policyholder on paying a bit extra on premiums. With most of the reliable Car Insurance Companies like new India assurance company, the zero depreciation benefit is not a part of the standard Car Insurance Online or regular policy, it’s an add-on.

Zero Depreciation Car Insurance Online – The Role

When it comes to making a regular or Online Car Insurance claim, Car Insurance Companies in India, for example – New India Insurance, always evaluate and apply the rate of depreciation (in regard to the damaged spare parts of a car) to work out the total payable amount for claim settlement. What you have to shell out on your own is – the price difference between the depreciated parts and the new parts (market price). 

So, what role does the ‘Zero Depreciation’ Car Insurance Online cover play? When you have this add-on, then while making an insurance claim (as result of loss or damage to your vehicle), your insurer, say – new India assurance, would cover the total amount without including depreciation. So, if you want your Online Car Insurance claim settlement to be easy and smooth, this add-on can be a profitable prospect for you, ensuring peace of mind.

Zero Depreciation Car Insurance Online – The Rate

What is the rate of depreciation with the Best Car Insurance in India? Although the rate of depreciation varies from one insurance provider to the other, there are certain standardized rules followed by almost every reliable and the Best Car insurance policy provider like – new India insurance company. Some car parts age at a faster rate than the others. Therefore, the value of depreciation is more likely to be higher for such parts. On the basis of these aspects, providers of the Best Car Insurance in India, for example – new India assurance company, apply various rates of depreciation (that varies from one part to the other). The example given below would make things clearer – 

Car parts, like battery, tubes and tires and other that are made of plastic or rubber are prone to regular and the maximum abrasion. Therefore, the rates of depreciation for those parts are generally higher in comparison to parts made up of glass, fiber, etc. What about the metallic parts? Well, that’s a good question. The depreciation rates of such parts depend upon the age of your car. This example is a generalized view with most of Car Insurance Online providers like – the new India assurance company limited.

An Important Remainder –

When buying Car Insurance Online, make sure to check out if your insurance provider offers this add-on. If you Compare car Insurance Online with different insurance providers like – New India Insurance and other leading names, at the time of purchase or Car Insurance Renewal, you would definitely learn about their policy offerings. Some of the most reliable and Best Car insurance policy providers like, New India Insurance offer Zero-Deprecation. 

However, with most of the companies, say – the new India assurance company limited and the other insurers operating in the country, zero depreciation add-on is available for new cars only. If you Compare car Insurance Online, in regard to this add-on, you would find that customer-oriented companies, such as new India insurance company, offer a specific age limit, in this regard. So, if your car is within that range, you can easily go for this attractive add-on.

A given Car Insurance Online policy from a particular Insurance company, say – New India Insurance, whether purchased online or from a regular brick-mortar insurance office, offers the same benefits and features, what differs is just the medium and ease of purchase. So, car buyers should not confuse that. One more important thing – always make your Car Insurance Renewal on time.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Committed To Your Old Car Insurance Policy? Compare Car Insurance Online: A National Insurance Agent Story

Ishant, Managing director at reputed firm in Delhi was been busy with his regular life stuff and was not interested in changing his old vehicle insurance providing company for getting best car insurance policy for his new car, until the National Insurance agent explained him the benefits to compare car insurance online and get best car insurance policy. MrIshant being a busy man was not having time to spend in making online compare but the National Insurance company agent made online car insurance comparison for him within no time using online car insurance brokers.

National Insurance Company – A Public Insurance Provider

National Insurance Company limited being a public insurance provider is now looking forward to regularly update the insurance products and policies more randomly when compared to other private insurance providers. The insurance agent said to Mr. Ishant that “loyalty won’t pay you Sir”, he forced Ishant to check the car insurance online comparison. He realized that National Insurance Company offers benefits similar to his old car insurance policy with cheaper premium rates in the list of best car insurance quotes.

Ishant realized that his insurance provider used a trick at the time of car insurance online renewal by highlighting a discounted offer in form of cheapest deal. Ishant failed to compare car insurance online before his last policy renewal and felt cheated. The National Insurance agent also forced him to fill up his criteria himself in online car insurance broker website for getting best car insurance quotes for his new vehicles. Mr. Ishant noticed that National insurance company car insurance policy was among one of the best car insurance policy when comparing Car insurance online India.

Agent further mentioned that National Insurance Company holds a power of reputation and trustworthiness among the public as well as Indian insurance market. When you analyze the car insurance online India platform, you will clearly view the effective offers and discounts offered by National Insurance Company. Ishant realized that getting cheated or getting in a loss is also possible in insurance sector if you don't remain updated and use online car insurance comparison platform. In today’s market of competition and variation, the customer’s should be alert enough to select best from the range of offers and discounts. Commitment towards old insurance providers won't benefit the customer.

Online platform – More Benefiting Than Ever

National Insurance Agent also made Ishant realize that the agenda of insurance companies is to use online car insurance platform for getting new customer attention rather than benefiting the old once. Agent also mentioned that National Insurance Company offers best car insurance online, as you can view on website and Ishant agreed with the agent. The National Insurance Company provides most flexible online car insurance renewal process where customer can upgrade to different discount and offers provided by company in an open platform at every renewal process. On the completion of meeting, Ishant realized that renewing his old car insurance online from new provider and getting most updated policy for his new car insurance online will be his priority in coming days keeping National Insurance car insurance policy in mind. The National Insurance agent was happy for satisfying his new customer and getting a good business deal for his company.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Get The Best Hazardless Car Insurance Renewal With New India Insurance

From the plethora of car insurance companies, you have to invest wisely in the best car insurance policy. New India insurance is undoubtedly the best car insurance policy provider of recent time. You will get the highest beneficial aspect with New India Insurance. With their online car insurance renewal process, you don’t need to worry more about the renewal process of car insurance. New India insurance will assist you with their 24x7 service for car insurance policy renewal. Apart from the best car insurance renewal, you will get the complete and overall cover-up package for your car. You will carry yourself their full protection while driving and they will provide you the cashless damage cure process, third party liabilities if there is any need and providing financial support for any bodily damage to the car and the inner members of that vehicle.

About New India Insurance:

New India insurance comes with the best package of car insurance renewal online India. New India Insurance is focusing on the best car insurance renewal process because they are bound to give you the best car insurance without any miss. The service of New India Insurance comes with the guarantee of the car insurance renewal online India. Many car insurance companies promised to do the renewal process but at the time of action, they do nothing to help you out in the car insurance renewal. With the advance tech-savvy approach of New India insurance company, you will get the complete beneficial return in their car insurance policies. They will assure you the best car insurance quotes in India. It is in the offerings of from their part to renew the car insurance online.

How To Get The Best Car Insurance Quotes In India:

Are you looking forward to have the best online quote before investing in car insurance policy renewal? New India Insurance offers you the exact. At the time of car insurance renewal, you don’t need to invest the same old quote. With their new age approach of online facility, you can compare by your own which quote suits you the best. New India insurance will do it without demanding a single charge for that process. You will also come to know about the recent discount and other beneficial approaches of the policy market. Car Insurance renewal quotes also help you to compare with the other car insurance company’s recent offerings. So by comparing with new India insurance you can understand by your own that you will be getting so much beneficiary offerings with New India.
New India insurance company will provide you the complete coverage of three sixty degrees overall protection package in car insurance along with the car insurance renewal. In the country like India, it is very much important to have best car insurance policy renewal. Because of the ambiguous paperwork, it is very much complicated process to renew the car insurance. But with the ensured car insurance renewal of new India insurance, you don’t feel any problem in the renewal process. With the single touch in the computer screen, instantly it can be done the process of renew car insurance online.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Invest With IFFCO-Tokio To Get The Best Car Insurance India

Car insurance plans give you the ample of opportunities to get all kinds of help during driving. Are you looking forward to come up with the best car insurance online? Your search is going to finish now. Here providing you all the details of the best online car insurance of India. Among the flock of car insurance companies, you have to select the best car insurance online to get the complete and extreme benefit in return. IFFCO_Tokio online car insurance offers you the same. It can be reckoned as the best car insurance in India. Since a long period of time IFFCO-Tokio is the front runner in the market of Policy industry. Apart from providing the best car insurance online policy, it also provides you all types of assistance related to any kind of policies.

Best Features of IFFCO-Tokio Car Insurance Company

Online car insurance of IFFCO-Tokio leads you to the extreme beneficial return in the best car plans in India. Car insurance facilities will come with the advance tech savvy approach with digital documents. So there is no scope of ambiguity in any paperwork. You will come to know all the detailed offering of the online car insurance with the single touch of the mouse on the computer screen.

Facility of Comparing Car Insurance Plans

IFFCO-Tokio gives you the opportunity to get the best car insurance in India. You can compare car insurance plans free of cost from the offered service of this reputed online car insurance company. With the car insurance quotes online you can avail the opportunity to compare all other companies’ deals. It also allows you to invest with the less premium investment but in return, you will get the wholesome benefit through it. Online car insurance in India touches a new horizon with the instant and upgraded offerings by IFFCO-Tokio online car insurance.

With the facility of cashless renewal of online car insurance in India, the car repairing service, up-to death coverage protection for the driver and the other inner members of the car , will all come in the complete package of IFFCO-Tokio. If there any involvement in the accident from any third party, they will also provide you the third party damage liabilities too. Apart from the bodily damage of the car the complete cover of the car accessories also comes with the best car insurance online. Are you looking forward to getting an extra addon coverup in accident policies? IFFCO-Tokio Online insurance will provide you also that. Along with the on-road protection coverage for your vehicle, you can also ask for the free inspection of your loved vehicle. IFFCO-Tokio officials will provide you the free inspection at your entrance.

Car insurance renewal also can be done without any hazard and instantly with IFFCo-Tokio online car insurance. You can get it instantly with their official website and with a single click. Now you can understand IFCO-Tokio will guarantees you with the best car plans in India. It is the most profitable and comprehensive online car insurance of India. So don't your time. Get the best car insurance protection cover with IFFCO-Tokio.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Car Insurance Renewal – The Online Option By Leading Names, Like Oriental Insurance Is An One-Stop Solution

In spite of the warning signs and slogans placed all over the Indian roads, accidents do happen regularly. Be it your fault or someone else’s driving around, when it comes to driving, there is a continuous risk of meeting accidents. Therefore, some of the Car Insurance firms like, Oriental Insurance always recommend getting the Best Car insurance policy for a financially protected future.

What Industry Experts Like, The Oriental Insurance Company, Think About Car Insurance?

Although third party liability plan is mandatory, Car Insurance Companies, such as Oriental Insurance Company and others think that every car owner should Compare car Insurance Online, buy a comprehensive insurance plan and go for time to time Car Insurance Renewal for complete protection. Read on to know more!

About Extent Of Coverage By A Good Company Like The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd

When you would Compare car Insurance Online, you would definitely find a pattern that with India’s leading Car Insurance Companies, for example Oriental Insurance the following things come under insurance cover:

  • Accidental damage or loss to the car
  • Third party liabilities
  • Personal accident coverage to driver (owner)
  • Hosts of add-on on paying extra premiums
You might be wondering that damage or loss caused by what factors are covered by insurance companies like, Oriental Insurance Company. Take a look - 

The Best Car insurance policy from some of the best Car Insurance providers, such as The Oriental Insurance Company Limited, damage or loss due to the following factors is included:

  • Housebreaking, theft and burglary
  • Self ignition, explosion, fire and lightening
  • Natural calamities like, flood, landslide, earthquake, inundation
  • Acts related to riots, terrorism, something malicious and strikes
  • Transportation via rail, road, air, inland waterways or elevator
So, this is about the basic coverage offered by the Best Car Insurance in India. Now let’s move on to the key benefits of buying regular or Online Car Insurance from insurance giants like, the oriental insurance company ltd.

When you get your car insured with a company like Oriental Insurance, you get to receive the following key benefits:

  • A network for cashless claim - The Oriental Insurance Company Limited, like most of the renowned insurance firms in India has a network of garages all over the country. So, when you take your car to their empaneled garages or service centers, you are entitled to get the benefit of cashless claim settlement, directly.
  • Amazing discounts – When you are the members of AAI (Automobile Association of India), you are entitled to get, as much as, 5 percent OD premium (Own Damage) discount. Premium is subject to a cap level of INR 200/-.
  • Customer support – If you are the owner of a vintage car (manufactured before 31.12.1940), then you are entitled to get 25 percent discount on the Own Damage premium as well as TP (third party) premium, provided it is duly certified by the VCCCI (Vintage and Classic Cars Club of India).
  • Easy and quick – Apart from the above mentioned benefits, Online Car Insurance is hassle-free and require no paper based documentation. The best part - Car Insurance Renewal also becomes easy when you are doing it online.

What about Car Insurance Renewal?

Car Insurance Renewal, this is one of the most daunting and tiring things about insurance policies, even if bought from a renowned company like Oriental Insurance. This is what most of the policyholders and potential insurance buyers think. If your opinion about Car Insurance Renewal is also the same, then you have been wasting your time and effort since long. Why? That’s because, customer oriented companies like, Oriental Insurance and many others offer online Car Insurance Renewal options.

How this Car Insurance Renewal option helpful?

Well, this is one of the most frequently asked questions. Online Car Insurance Renewal is very simple and hassle-free. All you need to do is enter your policy number, make the required payment and you are done with Car Insurance Renewal. Yes, it is that simple.
For example, you have your car insurance policy with Oriental Insurance. So, you can go for Car Insurance Renewal, either on Oriental Insurance Company’s website or an insurance broking website, according to your convenience.