Sunday 20 November 2016

Four Tips To Choose The Best Car Insurance Plan

Car insurance is essential and you have to renew it before it loses it expires. Since there are scores of insurers available such as Oriental Insurance you need to compare car Insurance and pick your car insurance plan judiciously. Most car insurance plans come with similar set of benefits so you don't compare car Insurance you cannot choose the best policy as per your budget and requirement. You might get confused by a plethora of providers such as Oriental Insurance and could not find the right insurer for your vehicle if you don't compare car insurance companies performance over the years . So, here are four insider tips to settle with the best insurer like Oriental Insurance and stay protected through the most beneficial policy available at an affordable price.

Track Record of the Provider

Car insurance companies like Oriental Insurance are not equal when it comes to settling claims of the customers. You should compare car insurance companies in terms of claim settlement ratio of all car insurance providers in India including Oriental Insurance. Aside from the ratio you should also compare car insurance companies on the basis of the time they take to settle claims. Your chosen provider of car insurance must have high claim settlement ratio and it must settle the claim quickly.

Customer Service of the Provider

With the advent of internet you can not only compare car insurance online but can also go through the online reviews of other customers about the customer service of various providers like Oriental Insurance. You need to compare car insurance companies and choose the one that responds to customers' queries promptly and efficiently. Providers like Oriental Insurance boast bespoke calling executives and surveyors that can inspect the damaged vehicle. The after-sell service of the car insurance company is of utmost importance and you should compare car insurance companies in that regard as well.

Coverage of the Policy

One of the most important aspect of the car insurance plan is the coverage it provides. Insurers like Oriental Insurance endow car-owners with comprehensive coverage which includes both damage to the insured vehicle liabilities towards third party and you should also go for that kind of coverage to ensure all-encompassing coverage. Although, comprehensive coverage is optional and you can save on premium by choosing a plan with third-party liability coverage. But, it is wise to spend a bit more to rest assured of being covered from all sorts of untoward events.

Cost of the Policy and Available Benefits

Although, most people consider only premium while choosing car insurance plans, but it is not the right way of selecting the best car insurance plan. You should compare car insurance quotes online but you need to pay heed to other features and discounts available with the policy. Providers like Oriental Insurance come with various discounts such as NCB that you can use to reduce the premium. Cheaper car insurance plans don't always come with all the important features and expensive plans also come with a host of unnecessary features that you hardly need. Hence, car insurance quotes online is not the sole criterion when you compare car insurance for your vehicle.
Hopefully, these tips will help you select the best insurer like Oriental Insurance and secure the best car insurance plan for your vehicle.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Benefits of opting for Multi-Car Insurance

Car insurance is a must for all vehicles plying on Indian roads. There are many insurers in India like National Insurance Company Limited that offer affordable policies for car insurance in India. Car-owners can compare car insurance online and buy car insurance online as well. The process is straight-forward for those who own one vehicle. But, how owners of multiple cars should go about online car insurance? Is multiple car insurance really beneficial?

Many insurance companies including National Insurance Company offer insurance for multiple vehicles. This type of car insurance is designed for those families and organizations that possess more than one vehicle. One of the benefits of opting for multiple car insurance is the availability of hefty discount. For example, if you have multiple vehicles and begin with insuring one of them you will get the regular discount for the insured car. And, when you bring another car in the coverage the discount will be applied on both of the cars. Similarly, when you have all the cars insured the discount will be applied on all the vehicles. The amount of discount, however, varies which means the discount offered by National Insurance is not the same with the discount offered by any other insurer.

You can reap the best advantage of opting for multiple car insurance by providers like National Insurance at the time of car insurance policy renewal in India. You need not to renew insurance of all your car individually as this type of car insurance policy renewal encompasses all vehicles at once. This will save your lot of time and effort that you would otherwise put in for car insurance for individual vehicles.

Multiple car-owners should also be aware of the ways in which this kind of car insurance works. Almost all insurance providers such as National Insurance are entitled to provide insurance for multiple cars. Even if the vehicles are not registered under the same owner and even if they are bought at different times still they are eligible for multiple car insurance if all the vehicles in question are registered in same address. Same residential address is the sole criterion set by insurers like National Insurance for insuring multiple cars.

Another benefit of opting for multiple car insurance is you don't have to keep track of premium of different policies for different cars. Because all vehicles are insured under a single car insurance plan and one has to maintain just one policy document. Car-insurers like National Insurance thus make the job of the car-owners easy. 

The biggest benefit of choosing a multiple car insurance from any insurer like National Insurance is the continuation of coverage of two vehicles plying in two different cities. Often it happens that a member of the family with multiple cars uses one of the cars in a different city in India. In that case, no separate car insurance plan is required as most car-insurers like National Insurance offer coverage for all cars belong to same residence or organization despite of the geographical distance. Multiple car insurance plans provided by insurers such as National Insurance cover two to five vehicles.