Thursday 9 March 2017

National Insurance - A Buoyant Name In The Field Of Health Insurance Policies

A health insurance is a service you pay for the unpredictable, unexpected and fundamentally uncontrollable problems that come up in people's lives. Most consumers want and value health insurance, National Insurance Company Limited is one of the oldest as well as the biggest general insurance companies in India known for its vast array of tailor made, cost effective and comprehensive National insurance mediclaim plans. Here is a list of National health insurance plans on offer for families and individuals. 

Most people need medical care at some point. National insurance’s Best Health Insurance policy covers these costs and offers many other important benefits.

  • National insurance’s Health Insurance policy essential health benefits critical to maintaining your health and treating illness and accidents
  • National insurance’s Health insurance protects you from unexpected, high medical costs.
  • With National insurance’s Best Health Insurance policy you pay less for covered in-network health care, even before you meet your deductible.
  • You get free preventive care, like vaccines, screenings, and some check-ups, even before you meet your deductible.
  • With National insurance’s Health Insurance policy, you don’t have to pay the penalty that people without coverage must pay. 

National insurance provides its customers with one of kind policies. They are not only cost friendly but are available for individuals as well as families. And you can buy the policies online with the help of online portals. Here is a list of National health insurance plans on offer for families and individuals.
  • National insurance Mediclaim Plan
  • National insurance Mediclaim Plus Plan
  • National Parivaar Mediclaim Plan
  • National Parivaar Mediclaim Plus Plan
  • Varistha Mediclaim Policy
  • Critical Illness Policy

Critical Illness Policy by National Health Insurance

Critical illnesses are the diseases caught by a person which tend to leave his mark forever on the person. Most of them are lengthy diseases which take time to heal while others are very costly diseases. For such cases National insurance have brought into view the National Insurance Critical Illness policy. This policy can be bought by any person who has a family history of any of the six listed critical illness and be safe from the monetary burden. Customers without family history can apply with extra advantages. The process that this policy carries out is very simple; a total sum of money is being paid on the diagnosis of any of the 6 critical illnesses mentioned in the policy. The only important thing to note is that, the benefactor has to survive for 30 days after the diagnosis of the critical illness by the hospital to make a claim for the money. 

National health insurance provides Cashless claims. National Insurance best Health Insurance policy is available for individuals and family floater. The sum assured can be opted from Rs.100,000/- to Rs.500,000 and also covers maternity expenses after 1 year for first 2 children . National Insurance best Health Insurance policy covers pre-existing diseases after 2nd year renewal. Along with Income tax it also provides additional offers from time to time.

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